For a general view of historians under fire, see also: 'Who Owns History?' by Karen Winkler, Chronicle of Higher Education, Jan 20, 1995, A11, 18: 'a lot of the critics of history today are scared of students who ask questions. Historians Committee for Open Debate on Hiroshima forms. Rhoad, American Legion Auxiliary National News, Jan-Feb 1995, 12-15. 'The Proposed Enola Gay Exhibit, Is It An Accurate Portrayal of History?' by Julie A. And justice to a nation that nurtured and sustained us over the past 50 years.' 'Watchdog for Veterans,' American Legion, Fall 1994, 20, 68 (written in November 1994). Justice to the generations we leave behind. Justice to the memory of the WW II veterans. The American Legion keeps the fires burning: 'Justice is what this controversy is all about. Bernstein, Foreign Affairs, Jan 1995, 135ff. In the last section of this article, this historian points to a 'redefinition of morality' with the dropping of the bomb: 'it was that redefinition of morality that made Hiroshima and Nagasaki possible and ushered in the atomic age in a frightening way.' 'The Atomic Bombings Reconsidered,' by Barton J. 'FullText' links provide a connection to electronic or print copies provided by the Lehigh Libraries and other services, such as electronic abstracts and interlibrary loan requesting.